Webinar Portugal Connect – Internationalization Opportunities in Mexico for the Mold Sector
The Luso-Mexican Chamber of Commerce and Industry will hold the second virtual seminar (webinar) within the scope of the “Portugal Connect” project. The project aims to reinforce the internationalization process of Portuguese companies in the Mexican market, mainly in the molds, industrial machinery and tools and plastics sectors.
On May 27th, at 4 pm, via Zoom. Mark your agenda now and participate to encourage investments and exports in the industry, between Portuguese and Mexican companies.
Guest Speakers:
Miguel Gomes da Costa, President of the Luso-Mexican Chamber of Commerce and Industry
João Faustino, President of the National Mold Industry Association (CEFAMOL) – Portugal
Eduardo Medrano, President of the Mexican Association of Mold and Die Manufacturing (AMMMT) – Mexico
José Carlos Gomes, CEO GLN – Portugal
Luis Rossano, CEO Blue Quark Group – Mexico
Luís Castro e Almeida, Country Manager of Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (Portugal), SA (BBVA)